The British School of Meditation Blog


Dr David Hamilton's Blog, well worth reading.

We have loved reading Dr David Hamilton’s blogs, so we are putting a link to them for you to read and enjoy as well.

This month he has written about the Placebo effect. ‘Does a Placebo work if you know it’s a Placebo’  A fascinating subject.
Another Blog ‘Can Violent Computer Games make you violent?’  We found this really interesting , as we do worry about violent computer games the effect on the players.

David always looks into the scientific studies that relates to the subjects he writes about, This in our view gives authenticity to his subject.

Dr David Hamilton has written several books, in all of them he addresses the mind /body connection.
Examples are
The five side effects of Kindness.
How you mind can cure your body.
His latest book, which is well worth reading.
Why Woo Woo works.

Enjoy your summer reading.



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A Walking Meditation is Kew Garden. by Catherine Thomlinson

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The Power of Mantras by Mary Pearson

If you are interested in meditating with a Mantra, this blog is a good starting point.

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Meditation, Science and direct experience of meditation.

I have recently signed up to Gaia Gaia offers a large resource of videos lo...

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Those little windows of Grace by Catherine Thomlinson.

Catherine shares with us a time when she kept putting off meditating as she had so much to do. This...

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Celebrating New Beginnings

This month we celebrate the Celtic festival of Beltane, or ‘May Day’, the midpoint between the Spr...

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