The British School of Meditation Blog


Meditation, Science and direct experience of meditation.

I have recently signed up to Gaia    Gaia offers a large resource of videos looking at meditation, yoga, and as they say ‘Other consciousness-expanding’ videos.    The videos that I have watched are well produced.  They do have a free trial you can sign up to.

I have been watching Dr Joe Dispenza series called Rewired.   Dr Dispenza goes into the science which supports the benefits of Meditation. Each programme is well produced and a pleasure to watch.

During our Meditation Teacher Training Course, we have a whole Unit where we look at the science supporting the benefits of Meditation. The huge amount of evidence that now exists helps people realise that meditation does have proven benefits. However, whilst science is very important, nothing is like trying it yourself to see what benefits it may bring you.

Science is useful in pointing people in the right direction but it cannot tell them what meditation is like.  It’s a bit like trying to explain what honey tastes like. You could say it is sweet, and has can have a smooth texture, although the taste can vary depending where the bees have gathered the pollen. It is only through actually tasting honey can we understand what it tastes like, this is a direct experience.  I can talk all day about the benefits of Meditation and the experience but until someone try’s it themselves they cannot really know what it is like to meditate.  Also, within that experience, you have to understand that each meditation experience is different, the same as every jar of honey is different and this is ok.  The important point is that you gave yourself permission to meditate and take time for yourself. through doing this you are giving yourself a direct experience of meditation.

Happy meditating!



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