The British School of Meditation Blog


A blog featuring our trainer Sarah Presley

This blog features the latest newsletter from our trainer, Sarah Presley. Sarah is out trainer in the South West. She has been running meditation teacher training courses for the School since 2015. In the newsletter Sarah talks about her plans for the future including the publication of her book.


At the end of the post there is a lovely meditation for you to experience.

Find out about Sarah’s latest courses for BSoM here:





This month, I decided to do something which was quite radical for me – I have taken the month off from doing any teaching.  I have been running this business for almost 20 years and August has always been a juggling of holiday, kids and work.  This year, it has been lovely to focus on a couple of holidays and getting up-to-date with various aspects of paperwork.  The first part of which was to convert from being a sole trader to a limited business to fit with my role as a full time trainer.  So I am now Sarah Presley Ltd!

The time has also given me the space to refocus on my book with a plan for it to be published later this year.  I am so excited about this.  The book is to help individuals go from overwhelm to a calmer mindset and it utilises everything I have learnt over the last 20 years to aid my recovery from a chronic illness and anxiety.  You may already be aware how the book has been a few years in the making and two years ago I was already at the second edit.  Sadly, my stepdad passed away and it made sense for me to put things on hold for a while.  At the time, I didn’t know it would take two years before I would feel ready to reconnect with it again, but the acceptance and patience I have learnt through meditation plus the trusting of the unfolding of energy through reiki has helped me to know it would still be there when the time is right.  That time is now and I feel so proud of what I have written.  I can’t wait to share it in the hope it will go some way to helping others.

If you would like to be one of the first to receive your copy of the book when it is published, please email us at and we will pop you on the mailing list.





When things don't go the way you expect 


It can be frustrating when things don’t unfold in the way you want them to.  In fact, it can lead you to feel out of control.  Yet, what if you learnt to have acceptance, and even patience around those things you are unable to change?

Patience has come to me via my meditation practice and also via reiki.  In reiki we look at everything as energy and how there is always a bigger picture at play.  When things are difficult, if we allow things to unfold in a natural way, we can see more clearly when and how to act when the time is required.  This is also a feature of meditation too.  If we hold on too strongly to an idea of what meditation should “be” we will resist the experience as it is.  Instead, we can accept the moment we are in, regardless of what that moment is.

When we are impatient, we have a desire to control what is around and within us.  When we are patient, we accept things are outside of our control – which is why it is often referred to as being a virtue.

Patience has certainly been a virtue when I put the writing of my book on hold almost two years ago.  Prior to COVID, I felt everything around my book was mapped out for me.  I had been offered the opportunity to write for a monthly publication as their “Mindfulness expert” and I felt with this exposure I would be certain to get a traditional publishing deal.  When COVID arrived, the magazine opportunity dwindled to nothing.  At first, I was frustrated and also hurt that this had happened to me.  Yet it wasn’t happening just to me.  COVID was affecting everyone in one way or another.  In this space I could see how family was more important than anything else and so when my stepdad passed away it was natural to put the book on hold so I could support my mum.  2021 started with another lockdown and a burst pipe which flooded our home, and then a few months later both my husband and I made changes to our jobs which would eventually allow us to go into the later years of our working life with a better balance.

It took time to adjust to these changes and I knew I couldn’t force the book to happen at the same time.  If I did, the energy of it wouldn’t feel right.  I knew I just needed to be patient, and when the time was right, I would reconnect.

I no longer see it all mapped out in front of me.  Instead, I just know it is coming together now in the best way for me at this time.  It isn’t unfolding in the order I had planned, it is unfolding in it’s natural way.  Just like when I meditate.  Just like how energy flows.  In the knowledge of this, I feel the soothing of calmness inside me and the knowing in my heart it is happening as it always should have done.  I can bring everything I have learned in the last two years to shape the book in a better way.
Would you like to feel more patience and acceptance in your life?  Do you feel drawn to learn more about Reiki or Meditation?  If so, please get in touch to receive information packs about how either of these modalities can help you – there is still time to join me on the next courses starting in September:




Calm meditation video


If you would like to feel a bit of calmness in your life right now, click on the link below and join in with the meditation.



Meditation video






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The British School of Meditation has been established to train teachers in meditation techniques to meet the  growing demand for highly trained and accredited meditation teachers throughout the UK including: the Midlands, South West, Wales, North West, North East, London and the South East.

@ 2020 by British School of Meditation

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