The British School of Meditation Blog


November's Member Appreciation - Vincent De Freitas, The Meditation Man

In November, we celebrate our fabulous register member Vincent De Freitas.


Vincent is a meditation and yoga teacher in Norwich, Norfolk and founder of ‘The Meditation Man’ and ‘Mandem Yoga’.


We asked Vincent to share some information about his business, teachings and his own meditation experience, so that you can get to know him better.


Here is what Vincent told us about his own meditation experience…


“I have been practicing at least 20 years (and Yoga which I also teach qualified withe BWY highest level) with many different traditions self-taught and through a great person I met many years ago who became like an unofficial guru/teacher introducing me to non-dualism/advaita vedanta self-inquiry and Buddhist teachings”.


Vincent trained with BSoM to become an externally accredited meditation teacher because…


“By total luck really I had just finished a career in the London fire brigade and was looking to retrain. After much deliberation I thought why not do something that you love and try to teach others something you're passionate about and feel is vital to the world right now. So I surfed the web and found BSoM and thought through their regulated qualifications it was a perfect fit…


I wanted to get my teeth into something and felt that doing the course would rubber stamp the fact that I could teach meditation professionally and be taken seriously by organisations like schools and the public. My scope for who I teach is anyone and everyone who wants to explore meditation”.



What he loved about the training was…


“The meeting of like-minded people from all different backgrounds that all had different areas of interests of various traditions really opened my mind and eyes seeing that it didn't matter what flavour you liked it all was the same thing rediscovering peace within yourself”.



About Vincent’s teaching and business….


Vincent set up ‘The meditation man’ as soon as he qualified in 2019 as he didn't want to let the momentum go. He says his partner came up with the name, which everyone seems to love! Vincent started teaching in small village halls and one to ones which have now expanded into groups and outdoor venues. Also, he now blends meditation into courses with his yoga classes as it works quite well and is all relatable. His motivation for this is - DO WHAT YOU LOVE and LOVE WHAT YOU DO , he say “it doesn't get better than that for me”. Also, to share the beautiful natural gift of meditation really is a blessing as the rewards are totally reciprocal.


Vincent works with all different types of people age wise and experience wise. The range varies from ex addicts, teenagers, younger children, people in pain and elderly.  He has also worked in care homes and sports centres and with the national trust.


Vincent offers one to one- and 6-week beginner and more deepening awareness courses for those wanting to expand a little on the philosophical side of meditation. Additionally, he teaches Vinyasa and Yin yoga, both which contain meditative elements especially the Yin classes involving deep contemplation using the body as the conduit of delving into oneness (see website for more info).



The Meditations man offers the following services and sessions


  • Weekly Monday yin class 
  • Weekly Tuesday and Thursday vinyasa classes
  • Beginner meditation and yoga course 6 weeks 4th November
  • One to one meditation or on zoom
  • One to one yoga
  • Mini one day retreats
  • Mediation courses




In addition to teaching meditation…


Vincent teaches Yoga (qualified with BWY level 4 diploma highest level in the UK). He also offers retreats, one day short ones that combine meditation and yoga suited to corporate groups in a chosen conducive venue again see website for details. He also writes 'conscious chronicles' a weekly online newsletter, which he describes as his ‘philosophical ramblings of the past week!’ (see website)



His favourite aspect of teaching is…


“Easy!  the people I meet and those that continue with me the reward and transformation I witness.  This isn't a massive shift, but it is enough to see that there is a light that switches on and realises that there is a different way of looking at things rather than the habitual patterns we all get trapped in! Yoga and meditation unlock this inherent power within us revealing our natural default state of peace, which was always there. I always say to students I didn't do anything but point you towards it.”



How you can work with, or find out more about Vincent and ‘The Meditation Man’





Instagram: @the_meditation_man 


Facebook: @themeditationman










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The British School of Meditation has been established to train teachers in meditation techniques to meet the  growing demand for highly trained and accredited meditation teachers throughout the UK including: the Midlands, South West, Wales, North West, North East, London and the South East.

@ 2020 by British School of Meditation

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