The British School of Meditation Blog


Meeting Up Again

Meeting up again

I just wanted to share with you the joy when Mary and I were at last able to meet up together.
The British School of Meditation Teacher training course is externally accredited by Ascentis.  Therefore, we have to show that we maintain the high standards of the course and all of our students meet the criteria of the course.   This as you can imagine involves quite a paper chain.  
The students work is marked by the tutors and they then send the work to Mary and I to Invigilate, we read through the work to check we agree with the tutors.  There are various forms to be signed and counter signed by us to prove that this has been done.   Our work is also checked by Ascentis.
As you can imagine during lock down this involved Zoom meetings between Mary and I, much emailing and scanning of forms. However, it worked, we were able to award our Meditation Teacher Certificate.
Until we were able to have these meetings in person, neither Mary or I realised how much we missed actually being in the same room. Our first meeting was so wonderful, we were able to talk about the course and the students work in just the same way as on Zoom but it felt different somehow.  
We also had a meeting a couple of weeks ago with our Tutors again in the real world.  We have had regular meetings during lockdown on Zoom with them, but it was so good to see them in person.   The conversation just flowed.
Whilst Zoom has been fantastic during lockdown, and we will continue to use it, it is so much better to meet in the physical world as it were.   I wonder why this is?  My thoughts are, that humans are sociable people we need to live and work in groups.  Whilst you can see people on Zoom, it is not the same as being in the same room.   I wonder if this is connected to our energy and that interconnections that we have with others.  One aspect is that you see the whole of the person in the real world unlike just the head and shoulders on Zoom.  In the real world I think it is easier to read the signals as it were from another person.
All I can say when Mary and I met up again it was wonderful, we felt that yes, life is maybe slowly getting back to normal.
Happy meeting up with friends, family, and colleagues safely.




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The British School of Meditation has been established to train teachers in meditation techniques to meet the  growing demand for highly trained and accredited meditation teachers throughout the UK including: the Midlands, South West, Wales, North West, North East, London and the South East.

@ 2020 by British School of Meditation

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