The British School of Meditation Blog


The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins.

The 5 second rule by Mel Robbins

The country is slowly emerging from lockdown and life returning to some sort of normal. We have spent over a year on our own or in our bubbles. Some of us may find it difficult to go out and socialise or run our businesses face to face rather than online. We have many of us got used to Zoom! I found it difficult at first to go on Zoom and learn how to communicate online. Eventually I did get to grips with it and it was a very useful way of keeping in touch with colleagues, family and friends.
I have been re-reading   Mel Robbins book ‘The 5 second rule’ this week and it has helped me get to grips with going out again in the world. I recommend it to you.
Mel takes us through how she discovered the rule and how it transformed her life.
Here is how her website describes her life before she discovered the 5 second rule:
‘At 41 years old Mel Robbins had hit rock bottom. Her husband’s restaurant business started off as a success but quickly collapsed leaving them with $800,0000 worth of debt. Facing bankruptcy, alcohol addiction, and a spiralling marriage, Mel felt like a complete failure. Every morning when the alarm went off, she knew she had to get up, but anxiety about her situation made her continuously hit the snooze button. She wanted to change but just couldn’t make herself do it.
Then one day, while she was watching TV, she saw footage of a rocket launching. From that moment, she told herself that she was going to launch herself out of bed like a rocket every morning without making any excuses.
So, the next morning when the alarm went off, instead of lying there thinking about her problems, she pretended NASA was there watching her and gave herself 5 seconds to get out of bed. By counting down 5-4-3-2-1 she beat her habit of hitting the snooze button’.
From that day on she started using the countdown 5-4-3-2-1 to launch herself out of bed and start her day. Gradually she started to apply the rule to other areas of her life and quite literally transformed her life. Her book is inspiring,  I have read it several times and find it really helps me to motivate myself and stop procrastinating. I had the idea for this blog this morning when I finished meditating and instead of thinking about it for days I started writing soon after.
You can use the rule to change any aspect of your life – health, work, relationships; Mel leads you through the steps to take and backs up her words with scientific research. Watch this YouTube video.
The 5 second rule can transform your life one decision at a time.
Best wishes,



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